Tuesday 19 August, 2014

Rare and Unique Linga Bhairavi Velliangiri Foothills ( Tamilnadu )

As the darkest night, a pair of glowing eyes that penetrate deep into the recess of your heart, a gloriously sparkling Third Eye that perceives a dimension beyond the physical, graciously giving arms that bestow infinite Grace to all in need, a pure gold sari that reflects her grandeur – Linga Bhairavi is the most exuberant expression of the Divine Feminine, residing in a triangular-shaped abode at the Velliangiri Foothills.

Unique in her manifestation in the form of a linga, the eight feet tall Devi was consecrated by Sadhguru as a powerful energy form with a solidified mercury core. The consecration of Linga Bhairavi was conducted through prana pratishtha, a rare mystical process that uses life energies to transform mere stone into a deity.
Refined and raw, powerful and colorful, earthy, humane and mother-like, Linga Bhairavi is an absolute woman of ultimate proportions, fierce and compassionate at once. Representing the creative and nurturing aspects of the universe, she is the ultimate manifestation of the Mother Goddess – powerful and all-encompassing. Whether a devotee seeks to acquire, enjoy, or transcend the physical and material aspects of life – Devi is the Ultimate Giver of all that and more.

The energy of Linga Bhairavi strengthens the three basic chakras in the human system; thus stabilizing one’s body, mind and energy system. For all those who seek to live life intensely, Devi’s Presence and Grace will assist in the process. If one allows her Grace to function, life will happen in such exuberance that the longing to transcend the physical and touch the spiritual will naturally arise. For those who aspire for spiritual wellbeing, the benevolent Goddess helps in overcoming obstacles on the path and delivers them to the realm of Ultimate Liberation.

Various offerings are available in this space to allow devotees to benefit from Devi’s abundant Grace. There are unique rituals that assist in every step that one takes in life, from birth to death and in-between. These rituals are designed to ensure that every life experience becomes a possibility to be touched by the Divine.

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